Provost's Committees

A drone view of the Chapel as well as other buildings

The following committees are appointed by and advisory to the Provost. Select the headings below to view the full roster for each committee.

The APC is an advisory body to the Provost.  The charge to the APC is a broad one in terms of advising the Provost on university-wide academic issues as well as providing advice on the creation, termination, or contraction of academic units.  The full Committee meets once a month.  Members serve on one of two subcommittees which meet every three weeks.  The membership of the APC is comprised of senior faculty members from schools with undergraduate bodies and the professional schools, including two from the Executive Committee of the Academic Council.  Ex officio members include the Provost, the Dean of the Graduate School, the Chair of the Academic Council, and the Executive Vice Provost, among others.  Term:  three years.

Term Ending August 31, 2024 

Steffen Bass, Physics, Chair 
Marin Levy, Law School 
Christine Payne, Pratt School of Engineering 
Jay Pearson, Sanford School of Public Policy 
Herman Pontzer, Evolutionary Anthropology 
Deondra Rose, Sanford School of Public Policy 
Rebecca Stein, Cultural Anthropology 
John Supko, Music 
Julie Thacker, School of Medicine  

Julian Liber, Graduate and Professional Student Council representative 
Aiden Pasinsky, Duke Student Government representative 

Term Ending August 31, 2025 

Michael Boyce, Biochemistry 
James Chappel, History 
Campbell Harvey, Fuqua 
Stacy Horner, School of Medicine 
Deb Reisinger, Romance Studies 
Karin Reuter-Rice, Nursing 
Jennifer Wernegreen, Nicholas School of the Environment 
Brittany Wilson, Divinity 

Term Ending June 30, 2026

Saskia Ziolkowski, Romance Studies

Ex Officio 

Suzanne Barbour, Dean and Vice Provost of the Graduate School 
Alec Gallimore, Provost 
Mohamed Noor, Interim Vice Provost, Academic Affairs 
Karin Reuter-Rice – ECAC representative (subcommittee B) 
Cam Harvey - ECAC representative (subcommittee A) 
John Klingensmith, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate School 

Trina Jones, Chair, Academic Council 

The Advisory Committee for Online Education advises the Provost, other administrators, and faculty governance committees on a wide variety of issues related to online education. ACOE consists of approximately 12 faculty members drawn broadly from Duke’s academic units. Members of ACOE are nominated by ECAC and appointed by the Provost. At least one ACOE member will be drawn from ECAC. The ACOE will be co-chaired by the Provost (or designate) and by a faculty member nominated by ECAC. Term: three years.

Term ending August 31, 2021

Emma Rasiel, Co-Chair, Economics 
Mine Cetinkaya-Rundel, Statistical Science (will not serve fall 2020)
Aaron Chatterji, Fuqua School of Business
Farr Curlin, Divinity School
Drew Hilton, Pratt School of Engineering
Jeremy Petranka, Fuqua School of Business
Susan Rodger, Computer Science
Kristen Stephens, Program in Education
Tracey Yap, School of Nursing
Tanisha Nalavadi, Duke Student Government representative
Christina Wang, Duke Student Government representative

Term ending August 31, 2022

Erika Buell, School of Law
Dorian Canelas, Chemistry
Nicholas Carnes, Sanford School of Public Policy
Eileen Chow, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Sarah Komisarow, Sanford School of Public Policy
Steven McClelland, Pratt School of Engineering
Jessica Namakkal, International Comparative Studies
Rebecca Vidra, Nicholas School of the Environment

Ex officio

Gary Bennett, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Jennifer Francis, Executive Vice Provost
Tracy Futhey, Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer
Kerry Haynie, Chair of the Academic Council / ECAC Representative
Sally Kornbluth, Co-chair, Provost

The APT Committee is advisory to the Provost and consists of thirteen full professors including the Chair.  Members are drawn from various disciplines and schools from across the University.  They are nominated by the Executive Committee of the Academic Council (ECAC) and appointed by the Provost.  The Committee is charged with evaluating candidates for appointment or promotion to tenure, or promotion to Full Professor.  The President, the Provost, and the Dean of the Graduate School serve as nonvoting ex-officio members of this demanding Committee.  (The Law School and the Clinical Sciences of the Medical Center have separate but analogous Committees.)  Term:  three years.

Term Ending August 31, 2024 

Staci Bilbo, Psychology & Neuroscience 
Melanie Manion, Political Science 
Christopher Nicchitta, Cell Biology 

Term Ending August 31, 2025 

Matthew Becker, Chemistry, Chair 
Cosmin Ilut, Economics 
Eric Laber, Statistical Science 
David Morgan, Religious Studies 
Jennifer Nash, Gender, Sexuality and Feminist Studies 
Daniel Schmitt, Evolutionary Anthropology 

Term Ending December 31, 2025 

James Anton, Fuqua School of Business 
Aaron Franklin, Pratt School of Engineering 
Priscilla Wald, English 

Term Ending August 31, 2026 

Sheila Dillon, Art, Art History, & Visual Studies  

Ex Officio 

Vince Price, President 
Alec Gallimore, Provost 
Abbas Benmamoun, Vice Provost for Faculty Advancement 
Suzanne Barbour, Dean and Vice Provost of the Graduate School 

The Committee on Assessment of Educational and Administrative Support was formed in 2009 and is responsible for the assessment of educational support (e.g. libraries, information technology, student affairs) and administrative support (e.g. payroll services, facilities management) throughout the university, including those services provided within individual schools.  Its responsibilities also include developing and communicating high level expectations for assessment activities appropriate to the varying settings in which it will occur across the institution; reviewing reports that document the assessment cycle for each unit and providing constructive feedback to ensure that all units meet appropriate expectations; and encouraging the integration of assessment activities with strategic and budget planning and with departmental and individual performance reviews. The Committee will provide information and recommendations to the Provost and Executive Vice President.

Term Ending June 30, 2022

Taren Moore, Athletics
Matt Starcke, Student Affairs
Jesse Summers, Trinity College of Arts & Sciences

Term Ending June 30, 2024

Evan Widney, Chair, Office of the Provost
Genille Anderson, Sanford School
Michael Maupin, Financial Aid
Courtnea Rainey, Graduate School
Katherine Smith, Divinity School
Cherisa Williams, Continuing Studies

Ex Officio

Frank Blalark, University Registrar
Jennifer Francis, Executive Vice Provost 
Molly Goldwasser, Associate Vice Provost for Academic Affairs
Hunter Stokes, Assistant Vice Provost and Manager of Educational Compliance

The Bass Challenge for Excellence in Undergraduate Education created a distinct subset of Distinguished Professors.  Each Chair established by this challenge is named as directed by the individual donor, whose funds are matched by the Basses.  These Chairs recognize outstanding scholar-teachers with five-year terms, after which the recipients become members of the Bass Society of Fellows.  The Provost’s Advisory Committee on Bass Professorships, nominated by the Executive Committee of the Academic Council and appointed by the Provost, is composed of Bass Professors and Bass Fellows.  The Committee considers the qualifications of nominees and reports its findings to the Provost.  Term:  three years.

Term Ending August 31, 2024

Jed Atkins, Classical Studies
Felipe De Brigard, Philosophy
Christine Drea, Evolutionary Anthropology
Emily Klein, Nicholas School of the Environment

Term Ending August 31, 2025

Mark Goodacre, Religious Studies
Christine Payne, Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science
Gregory Samanez-Larkin, Psychology & Neuroscience

Ex Officio

Candis Watts Smith, Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Vincent Price, President
Alec Gallimore, Provost

The Council for the Arts’ charge is to advise the Provost on policy and resource issues in the arts, to promote collaborative activity and programming among professional, academic, and student arts organizations at Duke and in the Durham community, to provide a forum for the exchange of information between arts organizations at Duke, to promote interdisciplinary projects in the arts, to select the recipient of the Sudler Award in the Arts, and to report annually to the Provost on the state of the arts at Duke and progress toward goals and objectives.

2021-22 Membership

Jonathan Bagg, Music Department
Jeremy Begbie, Divinity School
Maggie Brandt, Duke Performances​
Martin Brooke, Pratt School of Engineering​
Jennifer Chambers, Duke Alumni Association​
Katy Clune, Arts Communications Specialist​
Marcy Edenfield, Ticketing and Theater Operations​​
Eric Ferreri, University Communications​
William Fick, Art, Art History and Visual Studies​
Josh Gibson, Cinematic Arts​
Darren Gobert, Theater Studies​ Department
Angela Greenwald, University Development Office​​
Zebulon Highben, Duke Chapel
Paul Jaskot, Art, Art History & Visual Studies
Dawna Jones, Mary Lou Williams Center for Black Culture​​
Ranjana Khanna, English
Robert Mitchell, English​
Neil Prose, School of Medicine
Thomas Rankin, Master of Fine Arts in Experimental and Documentary Arts​
Trevor Schoonmaker, Nasher Museum of Art​
Ali Shumar, University Center Activities & Events
Krishna Sinha, Duke Student Government representative​
Lee Sorensen, Libraries
Amy Unell, Director of Arts Engagement and Partnerships​
Andrea Woods Valdes, Dance Program

TBA, Center for Documentary Studies​
TBA, Durham and Community Affairs​


John Brown, Vice Provost for the Arts
William Johnson, Dean of the Humanities

The Editorial Advisory Board was created in 1982 in order to bring the Press into a more active and meaningful relationship with the faculty.  Its role is to ensure that the name of Duke University appears only on publications that have met high standards of peer review.  Board members also are asked to provide advice to the Press on such editorial matters as the choice of reviewers in areas of the members’ expertise and on broader policy issues.  Term:  three years and once renewable.

Term Ending July 31, 2024

Leo Ching, Asian and Middle Eastern Studies
Wesley Hogan, Franklin Humanities Institute
Louise Meintjes, Music
Jennifer Nash, Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies

Term Ending July 31, 2025

Esther Gabara, Romance Studies (will not serve 2023-24)

Term Ending July 31, 2026

David Bell, Romance Studies
Christine Folch, Cultural Anthropology
Douglas Jones, Theater Studies
Ranjana Khanna, English
Peter Sigal, History
Harris Solomon, Cultural Anthropology

The Global Priorities Committee (GPC) is an advisory body of the Vice President and Vice Provost for Global Strategy and Programs (VP & VP-GSP) and the Provost.  The Committee meets monthly, for a total of approximately nine meetings per academic year.  The membership of the GPC comprises senior faculty members, six from schools with undergraduate bodies and six from the professional schools.  The total membership includes one member of the Executive Committee of the Academic Council and one or two from the broader membership of the Academic Council, and the Chair is a member of the faculty.  The GPC is charged with reviewing and refining Duke’s global strategy and assessing university and academic programs and activities operating globally, both when they are being created and in monitoring ongoing performance.  Term:  three years (with possibility of reappointment).

Term Ending June 30, 2022

Michael Bergin, Pratt School of Engineering
Dalia Patino-Echeverri, Nicholas School of the Environment
Priya Prakash, Duke Student Government representative
Philip Stern, History (will not serve Fall 2021)
Krishna Udayakumar, School of Medicine

Term Ending June 30, 2024

Eddy Malesky, Political Science, Chair
Sarah Bermeo, Sanford
Craig Burnside, Economics
Marc Deshusses, Pratt
Jayne Huckerby, Law
Russ Morgan, Fuqua
Liliana Paredes, Romance Studies
Eleanor Stevenson, Nursing
Gavin Yamey, Global Health

Ex Officio

Gary Bennett, Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education
Patrick Duddy, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Eve Duffy, Associate Vice Provost for Global Strategy and Programs
Jennifer Francis, Executive Vice Provost
Erika Weinthal, Academic Council Chair
Deborah Jakubs, University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs
Sally Kornbluth, Provost

The Global Travel Advisory Committee (GTAC) consists of faculty and administrators from across the University appointed by, and advisory to, the Provost. GTAC makes recommendations on travel restrictions for destinations around the globe as it relates to safety, security and health risks.  GTAC also considers petitions to waive restrictions for undergraduate travelers.  Destinations that the Provost restricts from student travel are reflected in Duke University's Restricted Regions List (RRL). GTAC also consults on Travel Policy and Travel Registry matters.  The committee meets three times annually in March, June and October to review the RRL in its entirety and on an ad hoc basis when world events or conditions warrant.  The Chair is a member of the faculty and school representatives are suggested by their Dean.  Term:  two years (with possibility of reappointment).

Term Ending December 31, 2023 

Edna Andrews, Slavic and Eurasian Studies 
James Lambert, Law School 
Russ Morgan, Fuqua School of Business 
Brendan Murphy, Global Administrative Support 
David Schaad, Pratt School of Engineering 
Stephen Smith, African and African American Studies 
Jung Choi, Divinity School 
David Toole, Divinity School 
Giovanni Zanalda, Social Science Research Institute 

Term Ending June 30, 2024 

Dennis Clements, Duke Global Health Institute and School of Medicine 
Anna Hayes, Global Education Office 
Eleanor Stevenson, School of Nursing 
Krishna Udayakumar, Duke Global Health Institute 

Term Ending June 30, 2025 

John Klingensmith, Graduate School 
Todd Mesibov, Athletics 
Ram Oren, Nicholas School of the Environment 
Lisa Adams Somerlot, Student Affairs 

Ex Officio 

Eric Mlyn, Chair, DukeEngage 
John Blackshear, Student Affairs 
Chris Boroski, Vice Chair, Risk Management 
Russell Thompson, Vice President of Administration 
Chris Beyrer, Duke Global Health Institute 
Eve Duffy, Associate Vice Provost (representing vacant ex officio member of Vice President/Vice Provost of Global Affairs) 
Amanda Kelso, Global Education Office 
Christy Parrish, Global Administrative and Travel Support (Secretary/Policy Administrator) 
Bill Nicholson, University Counsel Office 
Charlie Piot, DukeEngage 
Dan Vick, Export Controls 
Chris Simmons, Vice President for Government Relations 

The Interdisciplinary Strategy Council is a university-wide body charged with advising the Provost and Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies on ways to sustain and strengthen Duke’s efforts to foster vibrant interdisciplinary scholarship, education and civic engagement. The membership of the Council is comprised of at-large regular-rank faculty representation from all nine Duke Schools, including one faculty member from each of Trinity’s major divisions. At-large members are nominated by Provost in consultation with the Executive Committee of the Academic Council and each serve staggered three-year terms. The chair is selected from among the at-large members for a one- or two-year term. The Council also includes two student representatives, one deans’ representative, three UIC director representatives and one Bass Connections theme leader representative, all serving a one-year term. Ex officio members include the Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies, the Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education, the Dean of Academic Affairs of Trinity College Arts & Sciences and a representative from the Graduate School. 

Term Ending August 31, 2024 

Mark Borsuk, Chair, Pratt School of Engineering 
Chris Beyrer, Director, Duke Global Health Institute (UIC Director Representative) 
Edgardo Colόn-Emeric, Divinity School (Deans' Representative) 
Lisa Gennetian, Sanford School of Public Policy 
Beth Gifford, Sanford School (Bass Connections Theme Leader Representative) 
Paul Jaskot, Art, Art History & Visual Studies 
Ranjana Khanna, Director, Franklin Humanities Institute (UIC Director Representative) 
Jerusha Neal, Divinity School 
Devon Noonan, School of Nursing 
Gillian Schmidler, Deputy Director, Margolis Center for Health Policy (UIC Director Representative) 

DSG Representative, Katelyn Cai 
GPSG Representative, Keanu Valibia 

Term Ending August 31, 2025 

Rachel Brewster, Duke Law 
Shaundra Daily, Electrical and Computer Engineering & Computer Science  
Rick Larrick, Fuqua School of Business 
Heather Whitson, School of Medicine 

Term Ending August 31, 2026 

Dalia Patino-Echeverri, Nicholas School of the Environment 


Ed Balleisen, Vice Provost for Interdisciplinary Studies 
Candis Watts Smith, Interim Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education 
John Klingensmith, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Graduate School 
Martin Smith, Dean of Academic Affairs and Assistant Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education 

Established in 1929 by action of the faculty of the University, the Library Council advises the University Librarian and the Provost on matters relating to general policy.  In addition, it acts as a sounding board for proposed major changes and serves as a communication link between the library and the faculty.  The Council is composed of a minimum of nine faculty members nominated by the Executive Committee of the Academic Council and appointed by the Provost.   The University Librarian and members of the Library’s Executive Group are also members of the Council.  Term:  three years for faculty members, one year for President of Librarians Assembly, one year for Duke Student Government Vice President for Academic Affairs, and one year for representatives from the Graduate and Professional School Council.

Term Ending August 31, 2024

Kyle Bradbury, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Energy Initiative, Chair
Misha Angrist, Science & Society
Steve Asher, Psychology & Neuroscience
Shruti Desai, Student Affairs
Amy Laura Hall, Divinity School
Bruce Jentleson, Sanford School of Public Policy
Kimberly Lamm, Gender, Sexuality & Feminist Studies
Cecilia Marquez, History, Duke Human Rights Center @ FHI
Jonathan Mattingly, Math
Charles Muiruri, Population Health Sciences
Michael Reiter, Computer Science
Harris Solomon, Cultural Anthropology and Global Health
Maria Tackett, Statistical Science
Gennifer Weisenfeld, Art, Art History & Visual Studies

Julian Liber, Graduate and Professional Student Government Representative
Heather Raslan, Duke Student Government Representative

Term Ending August 31, 2025

Mark Brettler, Religious Studies
Tracie Canada, Cultural Anthropology
Ann Saterbak, Biomedical Engineering

Ex Officio

Emily Daly, Associate University Librarian for Research and Public Services
Blue Dean, Associate University Librarian for Development
Jameca Dupree, Associate University Librarian and Director of Financial and Facility Services
Dracine Hodges, Associate University Librarian for Technical Services
Timothy McGeary, Associate University Librarian for Digital Strategies and Technology
Naomi Nelson, Associate University Librarian and Director, Rubenstein Library
Joseph Salem, University Librarian and Vice Provost for Library Affairs
Dean Smith, Duke University Press

The Master’s Advisory Council (MAC) is a university faculty and staff committee appointed by the Provost. MAC members are recommended by the Deans and Signature Institute Directors, with rotating leadership appointed by the Provost. Members of MAC are initially appointed for a three-year term, with opportunity for renewal. The MAC is charged with the following tasks, covering all masters programs: Monitor growth; Advise on development of new programs, and review operational aspects and effects of new program proposals before they are considered by APC (This review should focus on structural, resource and logistical aspects of the programs. The MAC review will not assess or comment on the content or the intellectual underpinnings of the proposal since these assessments will be made in other steps of the review process.); Make recommendations to the Provost and Deans on charging and sharing tuition, cross-listing courses, financial aid and other operational issues; Serve as a resource for APC and other committees as needed; Make recommendations to Provost and Deans about review processes for programs and advise on master’s program reviews; Serve as a liaison to student services to ensure that resources are available as programs grow;  Make recommendations on work requirements and pay standards for students who are employed at the university while enrolled in master’s programs; Provide an annual report on enrollments; as well as other issues as charged by Provost. Meetings of the MAC will be called and agendas set by the leadership. Frequency of meetings will vary, but will be held not more often than monthly.

Brad Fox, Co-Chair, Pratt School of Engineering
Suzanne Barbour, Co-Chair, Dean of the Graduate School and Vice Provost for Graduate Education
Jacqueline Barnett, School of Medicine
Frank Blalark, University Registrar
Paige Burton, Provost Finance and Administration
Emily Daly, Duke University Libraries
Christopher Derickson, Student Information Services & Systems
Sina Farsiu, Pratt School of Engineering
Funda Gunes, Statistical Science
Elizabeth Gustafson, Law School
Patrick Halpin, Nicholas School of the Environment
John Klingensmith, The Graduate School
Corinne Krupp, Sanford School of Public Policy
Sherri Nevius, Nicholas School of the Environment
Greg Samsa, School of Medicine
Mary Story, Community & Family Medicine and Global Health
Mohan Venkatachalam, Fuqua School of Business

The Master’s Review Committee is a standing committee of the University, advisory to the Provost and the relevant deans and institute directors, and consisting of faculty from across schools and units. The MRC is charged with conducting a periodic review of all master’s degree programs, and, where appropriate, with recommending desired actions for programs.

Nan Jokerst, Chair, Pratt School of Engineering
Edna Andrews, Slavic and Eurasian Studies
Peter Arcidiacono, Economics 
Jennifer Francis, Executive Vice Provost
Corinne Krupp, Sanford School of Public Policy
Bill Mayew, Fuqua School of Business
Michael Relf, School of Nursing
Daniel Richter, Nicholas School of the Environment
Leonard White, Duke Institute for Brain Sciences

The Committee consists of seven members including a Chair of the Committee, the Chairs of the Physics Departments at each of the three institutions, and one additional representative from each institution.  The faculty representative is appointed by the Provost of his/her individual university. The  Committee is expected to be available for consultation on matters of University policy affecting the laboratory, such as possible needs of increased building space, tenured staff, or other University support, and shall advise the Provosts of Duke, UNC and NCSU.   Term:  five years for the Director, varied for others.

Robert Janssens, Chair, UNC-CH 
Susan Alberts, Biology, Duke 
Steffen A. Bass, Physics, Duke 
John Blondin, NCSU 
Jaye Cable, College of Arts and Sciences, UNC-CH 
Paul Huffman, Physics, NCSU 
Diane Markoff, Mathematics and Physics, NCCU  
Frank Tsui, Physics and Astronomy, UNC-CH 
Kimberly Weems, Mathematics and Physics, NCCU  

The Committee consists of four members plus a Chair appointed by the Provost and monitors radiation safety in offices and laboratories across the campus and advises the Radiation Safety Officer on matters of concern. Term: four years.

Term Ending August 31, 2025

Avner Vengosh, Earth & Climate Science
Tuan Vo-Dinh, Biomedical Engineering
Michael Zalutsky, Radiology

Term Ending August 31, 2026

Ross Widenhoefer, Chair, Chemistry
Calvin Howell, Physics

Ex Officio

Keith Hurka-Owen, Office of Research Support
Matthew Stiegel, Occupational & Environmental Safety
Terry Yoshizumi, Radiation Safety Officer

Duke University’s agreement with the Office of Human Research Protections stipulates that all research with human subjects conducted by Duke employees (faculty, staff, and students) be reviewed in accordance with the federal regulations for the protection of research subjects (45 CFR 46). The regulations give the IRB the authority to review and to either approve, require modifications to, or disapprove research with human subjects using specific review criteria provided in the regulations. Duke Policy, as approved by the Academic Council, and IRB Policy also regulates the activities of the IRB.

Term Ending January 31, 2024 

Orin Starn, Cultural Anthropology 

Term Ending December 31, 2024 

Sharique Hasan, Fuqua School of Business 

Term ending June 30, 2025 

D. Sunshine Hillygus, Vice Chair, Political Science 
Jack Soll, Fuqua School of Business 
Timothy Strauman, Psychology & Neuroscience 
Makeba Wilbourn, Psychology & Neuroscience 

Term ending June 30, 2026 

Nicholas Carnes, Public Policy, Chair 
Alexandra Cooper, Kenan Institute for Ethics
Heather Stapleton, Nicholas School of the Environment 


Julie Edell, Fuqua School of Business
Linda K. George, Sociology
Rick Hoyle, Psychology & Neuroscience
Rick Larrick, Fuqua School of Business 

Ex Officio/Unaffiliated 

Susan Lasley, Office of Research Support
Felicia Freeman, community representative
Carl Rose, community representative
Vivian Timlic, community representative


With representatives from across the University (faculty, administrators, and students), this Committee discusses a broad range of issues relevant to the University calendar and recommends policy changes to the Provost.  It also submits a University calendar “one year out” for the Provost’s approval. Term:  three years.

Term Ending August 31, 2024

Sina Farsiu, Pratt School of Engineering
Curtis Freeman, Divinity School
Timothy Johnson, Nicholas School of the Environment

Connor Biswell, Duke Student Government representative
Julian Liber, Graduate and Professional Student Council representative

Term Ending August 31, 2025

Laura Lieber, Religious Studies

Ex Officio

Frank Blalark, Chair, Assistant Vice Provost and University Registrar
Suze Bear, School of Law
Brad Berndt, Athletics
Tiffany Casey, Graduate School
Terry Chambliss, Office of the University Secretary
Lori Crooks, School of Medicine
Linda Franzoni, Pratt School of Engineering
Bebe Mills, School of Nursing
Cindy Peters, Nicholas School of the Environment
Dawn Schaefer, Registrar’s Office
Pamela White, Fuqua School of Business
Gerald Wilson, Trinity College