Training Resources

New and refresher training for the faculty records database is available through the Work@Duke portal, via the “Supporting Documentation” section on the right side of the dFac tab.

New and refresher training information for iForms users is available through the Work@Duke portal, on the iForms tab, via the “Supporting Documentation” section on the right side. 

The Office for Faculty Advancement provides a range of faculty training and coaching opportunities to support faculty career development, including:

The Office of Scientific Integrity leads Responsible Conduct of Research (RCR) training for Duke faculty and staff involved in research:


A Guide to Managing at Duke is a three-day program that prepares and equips University and DUHS managers to meet changing strategic, operational, and work culture objectives through effective managerial practices. Program participants will develop and enhance skills and perspectives that are essential for managers and leaders.  Contact Gwendolyn Purnell for additional details on available sessions for PAMC managers. 

The Duke Leadership Academy offers emerging leaders from across the university the opportunity to participate in a unique 12-month development initiative based on the Fuqua/Coach K Center on Leadership & Ethics (COLE) leadership model. The curriculum includes a focus on leadership and management styles and behaviors to implement strategy.

Participation in the Duke Leadership Academy program is highly selective based on nominations by Duke’s vice presidents and deans.  Those selected to participate are exposed to senior level leaders and stakeholders at Duke. Learning takes place in the classroom, through 360 and individual assessments, practical application, and coaching. 

Corporate Payroll Services provides customized payroll training resources for:

Duke offers an array of programs and resources to support employees in learning new skills and advancing their careers at Duke. Additional information is available on the Duke Human Resources HR training site


The Provost delegates the authority for certain senior leaders to sign contracts on behalf of Duke University under the governing conditions described in the Duke Signature Authority Policy. Specific information about signature authority delegated by the Provost is located within Appendix C of the policy. 

Common Contract Terms Guidance

The following brief video provides an overview of common contract terms and guidance for how to address each at Duke. 


These slides are covered in the video and available for reference, including contact information for Duke Procurement. 

Contracts Checklist

This checklist serves as a quick reference available to assist as contract terms are reviewed. 


Office of the Provost, Finance and Administration
127 Allen Building
Box 90004
Durham, NC 27708
Phone: (919) 684-3501